Feed ingredients

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Across all our fish diets in 2024 - freshwater, marine and Label Rouge - we used just 31% marine ingredients vs 69% plant-based/others.
High-tech feeding

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By investing in camera-monitored feeding systems at our marine farms, and by matching feed portion to fish appetite, we're committed to minimising any wasted feed.
Fish containment
Good farm practices, ongoing investment in rigid new netting systems and attentive husbandry have been instrumental in helping ensure no confirmed fish escapes in the last 12 months.
Greener energy

In addition to trialling the potential of hybrid power systems to reduce diesel use, we’ve also switched to 100% renewable sources for our mains electricity. (*Once existing contracts end for ex-Grieg Seafood Shetland farms acquired in 2021.)
Reducing plastics

By switching to returnable, re-usable bulk bins wherever safe and practical to do so, we’ve helped save 3.45M+ single-use polystyrene boxes since 2017.
Beach cleans

Our teams carried out 16 beach cleans in 2024, removing a mix of marine-related and general waste as part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Great British Beach Clean. This doesn't include other local cleans, such as Bag The Bruck in Orkney or lower profile efforts.