There’s much to be learned and no-one keener to learn it than the farmers themselves.

To help accelerate our understanding and know-how, we’re working with leading academics and partners on a wide range of applied research projects focused on the issues we believe to be priority with regards to enhancing fish health.

Combined with our own in-house research, it adds up to an investment of £5.9M+ since 2013, contributing towards a total project value of £17.7M.

Collaborative applied research

Collaborative applied research projects include:

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Specialist area University, research and funding partners

Gill health diagnostics

Aberdeen; SAIC

Gill health markers

Edinburgh; SAIC

Sea lice control tools

Marine Scotland; EMFF

Wrasse optimisation

Stirling; SAIC

Lumpfish welfare

Stirling; SAIC

Cleaner fish vaccination

Stirling; SAIC

Saprolegnia mitigation

Aberdeen; BBSRC LINK

Loch Carron restoration


Robust smolts

Stirling; Aberdeen; BBSRC LINK

Gill pathology drivers

Aberdeen; SAIC

Gill pathologies AI

Aberdeen; SAIC

Plant extract evaluation

Aberdeen; SAIC

Thermolicer welfare


Wrasse plus

Stirling; SAIC

eDNA water quality monitoring


Algal bloom early warning


Blood biochemistry


Photoperiod/immune function

Aberdeen; SAIC

AGD novel treatments

Glasgow; BBSRC

In-house research

Additionally, we have several in-house research projects of our own underway, each one aimed at improving fish welfare and survival.

Key areas of research include:

  • Stock selection
  • Diet development
  • Vaccine evaluation
  • Cleanerfish husbandry
  • Production of farmed ballan wrasse
  • Development and optimisation of RAS for smolt production.

Sharing the insights

Internal or external research project, we’re committed to sharing the insights gleaned with the wider sector, ensuring that all Scottish salmon farmers, their fish stocks and their local environments stand to benefit from the increased understanding.